The risks associated with self build and renovation projects can be easily overlooked and you may not have even thought about insurance, especially if you are appointing a builder to carry out the project on your behalf.
A self build or renovation insurance policy is specifically designed to provide cover throughout the development, from purchase of the land or building, through to completion when the building control certificates are issued.

We have put together a short guide that highlights some of the main areas that you will need to consider during your self build or renovation project:
• Public & Employers’ Liability
• Contract Works
• Existing Structures for renovation projects
• Plant & Equipment
• JCT 6.5.1 Non-negligent Liability
• Alternative Accommodation/Advanced Loss of Rent
• Types of JCT Contract
To download the guide please click the link below.
Northern Risk Solutions are independent Insurance Brokers. We provide Insurance and Risk Management solutions to construction companies and developers. If you would like to discuss your self build or renovation, we would be delighted to hear from you.